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Empowering Artistry with JDY Art's Wholesale Small Canvas Boards

Empowering Artistry with JDY Art's Wholesale small canvas boards


Artistic ventures take shape in many forms and one of the prime elements that fuel these endeavors is the canvas. At JDY Art, we take pride in producing and supplying wholesale small canvas boards, designed to breathe life into your art.

JDY Art's wholesale Triangular Stretched Canvas is one of the best in the market. Crafted to precision, these canvases come in a variety of shapes, including heart, triangle, pentagon, and hexagon. With a state-of-the-art mortise and tenon structure, small canvas boards from JDY Art are not just sturdy but promise to retain their shape and color over extended periods. More than just a canvas, each product is an ode to the artist's effort, ensuring their masterpieces remain intact and vibrant.

The raw material for our canvas frames is sourced from Russia's Scotch pine, further refining the quality of the boards. We provide customized sizes for the stretcher bar, tailoring to your specific requirements. Our current popular specifications are 1520, 1523, 1527, 1737 ,2030,2435,3738 mm, but we are also open to customization on demand.

Our production facility, spanning a whopping 10,000 square meters, is abuzz with the energy of 80-100 dedicated employees and 10 senior research, and development engineers. With a production capacity of 8,000 to 10,000 pieces per day, we ensure our artists never run out of their preferred small canvas boards.

But JDY Art is not just about canvases. Our range of Acrylic Paints is another crowd favorite. From the average hobbyist to the professional artist, our Acrylic Paints cater to everyone. Be it the regular option or the Professional Acrylic Paints, the richness of color and texture enhances the overall artistic experience.

Our unique Rich Diamond Paintings and Diamond Painting sets further diversify our offering. These not only add sparkle to your art but also provide an engaging activity for both kids and adults. Bringing a whole new dynamism to artistry, these canvas board sets allow you to unleash your creativity in the most exciting manner.

JDY Art’s mission is to aid artistic expression in its most authentic form. Our top-quality, small canvas boards are designed to uphold this vision. So, whether you’re an aspiring artist, a hobbyist or a professional, JDY Art is your trusted partner in this journey of creativity. Happy creating!

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